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Grass Seeds
Lolium Perenne
Festuca Arundinacea
Festuca Rubra Rubra (Red B.)
Festuca Rubra Com. (Rootstock Red Ball)
Festuca Ovina (Sheep Ball)
Festuca Rubra Tricophylla (Creeping red fescue)
Poa Pratensis (Bluegrass)
Agrostis Tenuis (Tufted Grass)
Bermuda Grass (Dog’s tooth grass)
Dichondra Repens (Mouse Ear)
Meadow 3 Mix Garden
Meadow 4 Mix Park
Meadow 4 Mix Refuge
Meadow 5 Mix Plaza
Meadow 6 Mix Class
Meadow 7 Mix Gardenpalace
Meadow 3 Mix Sunshine
Meadow 6 Mix Superrefuge
Forage Plants
Vicia pannonica (Hungarian Vetch)
Onobrychis sativa (Sainfoin)
Vicia Sativa L. (Vetch)
Agropyron Cristatum (Crested Wheatgrass)
Dactylis Glomerata (Cynodon Doctylon)
Trifolium Repens (White Clover)
Trifolium Pratense (Purple Clover)
Bromus İnermis (Awnless Bromegrass)
Festuca Pratensis (Fescue Skein)
Phleum Pratense (Meadow Varek.)
Medicago Sativa (Shamrock / Clover)
Meadow Mera S (Wet Lands)
Meadow Mera K (Dry Lands)
Wheat Seeds
Type 1252
Sönmez 2001
Vegetable Seeds
Bean Seeds
Göynük 98 (Small White Beans)
Grass Fertilizer
Other Products
Useful Information
Its stalks are short, it has strong build and gray-green color and its leaves are smooth.
Its spikes are white and awnless and they are at a medium height, medium compacted and they are upright.
It has hard-red-glassy seeds, 1000 of its seeds weights 40-44 gr. The slit in the mid-section of seeds is deep and its stomach cheeks are sharp and the back of seed is high.
Its winter specie, it tolerates cold. However, its tolerance toward heat is low.
Its tillering is low but reacts well to fertilizer.
Its earliness is medium and it is strong against tilting.
The best results are received when there is establishment of early sprout in fall.
Due to the fact that tillering is low; its productivity potential comes from the size of its seeds and spikes.
Final frosts of of spring don’t harm it. However, since it is highly affected by summer heat and draught, it is not suitable for infertile-hill fields and areas that don’t get sufficient amounts of rain.
It is tolerant against the yellow rust and it has average tolerance to black and brown rust.
It is averagely sensitive to smut.
It gets rather highly affected by the root and root collar rotting.
It is suggested for Thrace, North and West Gate Regions and ground and irrigative areas of Mid – Anatolia.