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Grass Seeds
Lolium Perenne
Festuca Arundinacea
Festuca Rubra Rubra (Red B.)
Festuca Rubra Com. (Rootstock Red Ball)
Festuca Ovina (Sheep Ball)
Festuca Rubra Tricophylla (Creeping red fescue)
Poa Pratensis (Bluegrass)
Agrostis Tenuis (Tufted Grass)
Bermuda Grass (Dog’s tooth grass)
Dichondra Repens (Mouse Ear)
Meadow 3 Mix Garden
Meadow 4 Mix Park
Meadow 4 Mix Refuge
Meadow 5 Mix Plaza
Meadow 6 Mix Class
Meadow 7 Mix Gardenpalace
Meadow 3 Mix Sunshine
Meadow 6 Mix Superrefuge
Forage Plants
Vicia pannonica (Hungarian Vetch)
Onobrychis sativa (Sainfoin)
Vicia Sativa L. (Vetch)
Agropyron Cristatum (Crested Wheatgrass)
Dactylis Glomerata (Cynodon Doctylon)
Trifolium Repens (White Clover)
Trifolium Pratense (Purple Clover)
Bromus İnermis (Awnless Bromegrass)
Festuca Pratensis (Fescue Skein)
Phleum Pratense (Meadow Varek.)
Medicago Sativa (Shamrock / Clover)
Meadow Mera S (Wet Lands)
Meadow Mera K (Dry Lands)
Wheat Seeds
Type 1252
Sönmez 2001
Vegetable Seeds
Bean Seeds
Göynük 98 (Small White Beans)
Grass Fertilizer
Other Products
Useful Information
Agropyron Cristatum (Crested Wheatgrass)
Crested wheatgrass has long live span and it is a forage plant that is very tolerant to draught and cold.
It grows by creating skein on the ground.
It is grown for the purpose of obtaining hay under the infertile conditions and grazing.
Its grass is sweet and has high nutritional value.
Planting and Nursing
Crested wheatgrass has small seeds and their seedlings are weak. Therefore it requires a good planting bed.
It can be planted for summer or winter seasons.
Since it grows very slow for the first year following the plantation; it is necessary to keep weeds under control.
Plant, completely smothers the weeds after the second year.
It can be planted in rows and it is necessary to leave 50cm of space in between the rows.
One decare of field requires 1,5-2 kg of seed.
Harvesting and Threshing
The best harvesting time for dry grass/hay is right when the grass starts spiking.
Forage quality starts to fall together with blooming.
For seeds, harvesting is done when spikes turn yellow. And later it gets threshed.
Seed harvesting is done directly with a harvester thresher combine machine.
Dry grass/hay yields at 150-200 kg/da, and seed yields at 50 kg/da.